I’m Ready to Quit Struggling in My Business and Start Making Money
Creating the Impact I Desire
Hey there fellow Entrepreneurs & Coaches,
Do you remember the excitement you felt starting your business? Finally honoring the entrepreneurial call because deep inside you know you can create a positive impact on other people lives.
However, growing a business turned out a lot harder than you realized and now things aren't exactly following your plan.
- You're feeling frustrated about how to grow your business.
- You're working too hard trying to get your message out to more people.
- You're disappointed in the amount of income you're earning.
- You think you should be making more for all the work you are doing.
- Many seem interested in what you offer, yet so few purchase from you.
The clients you do have, sing your praises and love the results you give them. If your customers love what you do, you wonder why more don't sign up.
You put so much time into your business it leaves you exhausted trying to keep up with family and home obligations. There appears to be little or no time for yourself.
You're Probably Wondering Why?
You already invested a ton of money on your business, networked like a fool, learned everything you could about marketing, sales funnels, email marketing, strategy sessions, social media… on and on with the latest tactics. You noticed those same methods work for others and they experience outrageous success doing the same things you are doing. But for some reason they aren't working for you.
Self-doubt begins to fill you and you wonder what you are doing wrong or even worse, what is wrong with you.
You wonder to yourself..."When is it going to happen for you? When will you be one of those success stories you keep reading about?"
Last thing you want to do is quit and make all the nay-sayers right when they told you your business idea wouldn't work. Besides, deep in your heart, you know you can help so many people and improve their lives…
Nothing you're trying is working to up level your business.
This may come as a shock… You really don't need another strategy. You have plenty of those.
You Are Not Alone!
I'm Ann Rusnak. I know how you feel. I've been there too. I'm going to share my journey of struggling to uplevel my business and generate the money I desired.

Yes, I made it into the six-figure business club. However, I couldn't maintain it and continued on with the quest for the next greatest thing to make it work.
This started an endless search for more strategies, more methods, and more tactics only to end up with minimal results for my effort and investment, leaving me tired, frustrated and exhausted
Thoughts of doubt filled my brain. I kept asking myself, "why isn't success for me?" Why are others seeing tremendous results? What am I doing wrong? When will it be my turn to be THE success story?
I kept praying, hoping and wishing some miracle would happen to solve my financial dilemma… Feeling frustrated not reaching my financial goals or hold onto them.
I continued to spend more and more time and money on marketing, tactics, and courses in the hopes I'd reach the "magical" turning point.
The Secret That Turned Everything Around
There is something every course leaves out. Something most of the experts don't share.
Yet it's the one thing that will make working hard for little result a thing of the past. It's the one thing to make money flow into your business and life. It's the one thing to make running your business easier. It's the one thing turn yourself into a client attraction magnet.
- Imagine not chasing after clients anymore, they are chasing you.
- Imagine not only time for family and friends but time for the things you enjoy.
- Imagine money flowing to you instead of away from you… leaving financial struggles behind.
What really helped me go from struggling financially, working long hard hours with little result to going debt-free and running my dream business was forgetting about the strategy and focusing on my money mindset.
Your Beliefs About Money Determine Your Financial Outcomes
Money is the fuel for growing your business. Your money beliefs will either pull you toward your goals or push you away.
Because I ignored the power of my mindset, I didn't see the success. I didn't appreciate my clients. I didn't see my business was on its way. Instead I continued to sabotage the financial success in my life.
When I decided to close my time management business, there was plenty of money coming in. There was no reason for us to experience the money problems in our life. I was looking at the possibility of bankruptcy. At this point, I didn't care.
And for the first time I thought, maybe I didn't need any more strategies… maybe I needed something different. Maybe there was something to all this mindset stuff.
18 months later, instead of filing bankruptcy, we were debt free, house paid off, relationship with my husband was rejuvenated. To this day we continue to receive so many abundant blessings.

I didn't feel confident enough to talk to potential clients. Within, two weeks of working with Ann, I shifted my thoughts to be more open especially around money. This resulted in unexpected money showing up and a customer calling me out of the blue to place a big order. I loved how Ann gently guided me to overcome the fear of talking about my business, and to see the worth and value in myself. I'm feeling less stressed and I now attract new clients with confidence. I'm so grateful for all Ann has done.
Rynette Vall
The 21 Day Money Mindset Program
I’m going to take you by the hand and over 21 days walk you through the easy steps to change your beliefs around money once and for all.
Just think...
In 21 Days, you can release your mindset blocks around money and allow money to flow into your life.
Just think about all the marketing tactics working for you with less effort…
In as little as 15 minutes a day, you can begin to experience the mind shifts necessary to receiving abundance.
- Imagine all the marketing tactics working for you with less effort
- Imagine you are now the success story, living the life of your dreams
- Imagine you are now the success story inspiring others
- Imagine living the life of your dreams on your terms
- Imagine confidently charging the prices you know you deserve - guilt free
It can all start today...
Module One -
The Money Mindset Breakthrough
We focus on identifying your negative money beliefs, replacing them and start bringing harmony and alignment with your inner self.
- Discover the connection between your self-worth and net worth
- Identify common money beliefs controlling your financial destiny
- How to tap into your subconscious mind for the fastest way to implement desired changes
- One simple way to keep your new money mindset beliefs permanently
- Sneaky ways your inner critic undermines your progress

Module Two -
The Prosperity Mindset
Money and abundance follow laws of the Universe.
- Discover how money works and keep it flowing to you
- Two powerful laws the ensure your financial blessings
- How using Divine Guidance can bring prosperity and abundance in your life and business
- Answering the question "Where's the Money?" and making it show up
- Simple act to allow more abundance in

Module Three -
Searching for Wealth Within
You have everything within you to create the means to continually receive money and keep it in your life.
- Discovering your talents and gifts to make the impact you desire.
- Embracing your true ME, your Magical Essence to unleash and fulfill your potential.
- Creating an inspiring vision to propel you toward an exciting and abundant life.
- How to see money making ideas all around you.
- How to recognize you're on the verge of a major breakthrough and not give up.

Whatever your financial goals are, they are within your reach
The 21 Money Mindset Program is your answer.
Just 15 minutes a day is all it takes, and you can begin to experience the mind shifts necessary to receiving abundance. I'm a busy entrepreneur… I get it. So, I created the program to easily fit into your schedule.
Just imagine:
- All your marketing tactics working for you with less effort.
- Becoming the success story that inspires others.
- What your life be like if you stopped worrying about paying bills.
- Living the life of your dream with more inner peace, freedom and joy.
- Gaining the confidence that you can really get what you desire.
All you need do is take this first step.
Sign up today and get instant, lifetime access now.
Here is What You'll Receive
(including over $4,000.00 in bonuses)
21 Daily Online Video Training - $997 value
Every day you get access to a new online training session to break you free from your limiting money beliefs that are sabotaging your business dreams.
Ongoing Support Form - $1997 value
It's important to keep your progress and momentum moving forward. You'll receive an invitation to the 21 Day Money Mindset Facebook group for 24/7 support. Connect with other members and share your experiences, your success and give and ask for support. Yes, Ann is available to answer any questions in the forum.
Done-for-You Materials - $997 value
You'll receive Done-for-You PDF documents of actions sheets, guidebooks, checklist, affirming meditation for each lesson.
Bonus #1 - Limited time available
3 Weekly Live Q&A Coaching Calls - $1997 value
First live Q&A happens April 20th. you can bring your questions, challenges and issues on a special live call with Ann to receive feedback on your lessons. You can even submit questions in advance if you can't attend live.
Bonus #2 - Limited time available
MP3 & Video recording of each Q&A coaching session - $1997 value
You'll receive links by email to download each call within 48 hours. You can easily listen and watch again and again the solutions and suggestions you received about removing old money beliefs and keeping the new ones in place.
Bonus #3 -
Limiting Belief Appraisal- $97 value
Use this workbook to Identify money beliefs holding you back so you can easily remove and replace them. Plus two special exercises to immediately shift your relationship with money
Bonus #4 -
Building a Wealth & Prosperity Mindset Package - $47 value
The guidebook, worksheet, checklist and meditation in the package will help you attract wealth and prosperity by transforming a scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset.
Join the 21 Day Money Mindset Program Today
Choose the Payment Option that Works Best For You
Full Pay
(Introductory Offer)
Secure Payment
3 Monthly Payments
Secure Payment
My Personal Unstoppable Success Guarantee
I stand behind my materials completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with the content and, more importantly, the results. Our trainings are not something to check out, test drive or "hope" it will work. Your success depends on your full commitment to practice the inner and outer ME strategies I’ll be sharing with you. The truth is, action-takers move forward – excuse-makers stand still.
However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime for the next 30 days. If you do the program assignments, ask for support, implement, and still don’t feel we delivered on the promise, let us know. *We require that you fill out our refund questionnaire and submit your completed homework before we consider a refund or stopping payments. There’s a 10% processing fee with any refund.
That's how important you are!Stay Unstoppable,

I can’t promise that you’ll make a million dollars. But I can promise that if you do the work, you’ll have less stress and a far better relationship with money than when you began. You’ll find the unstoppable confidence to charge more, and at last... stop sabotaging your success (you know you do it – we all do).
How much is that worth to you?
Thanks for attending the Top 5 Money Mindsets Keeping You Stuck. Right Click Here to download your special attendance gift.
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