You can change your luck in life. When luck appears, we often think it happened by accident. Discredit our actions for allowing luck into our lives. Lucky people give themselves the best opportunity to experience good luck. They also expect success, take inspired action, and stay alert for opportunities.
Try these strategies to allow more luck in your life:
- Cultivate high expectations. Things rarely work out better than you expect. Keeping high expectations increases the odds of something positive happening. If you don’t expect something great to happen, you likely won’t notice the opportunity when it presents itself. Raise your expectations and enjoy more luck.
- Visualize your success. Keep your mind and expectations positive by visualizing your desired results or outcome. Image yourself with more wealth or your perfect client. Your subconscious (link to article) cannot differentiate between imagination and reality, and acts upon whatever it sees, hears, without question.
- Trust your instincts. You’re only consciously aware of a tiny portion of what’s happening around you. However, your brain is exposed to it all, even if you’re unaware. Your gut feelings are often based upon information outside of your conscious awareness. Trust your gut and you’ll experience more good luck.
- Take full advantage of opportunities. The first stage of good luck usually happens with an opportunity. You need to take the next step to reap the full benefits. Women more often then men let go of opportunities thinking they need all their ducks in a row before proceeding. Perfectionism getting in the way.
- Face fear head-on. Good luck often resides on the other side of fear. Fear paralyzes will cause you not to act on inspired action in a speedy matter. The bold and courageous find good fortune more than the rest of us. Face your fears and step out of your comfort zone. Fear creates an imaginary barrier to receiving good luck.
- If you feel stressed or otherwise mentally occupied, you’ll miss your inner guidance whispering to you. One great opportunity or idea after another could present itself and you wouldn’t notice. You’ll find it easier for luck to show up when you’re relaxed, alert, and fully present.
- Meditation and prayer provide effective ways to relax and open your mind to all the possibilities around you. Spend time each day relaxing. Ever notice how ideas come to you in the shower.
- Instead of waiting for lightning to strike, set aside time to come up with a spectacular idea. (as mentioned above, meditate) Your brain thrives on finding solutions, so make your clear intentions clear. Ask yourself the appropriate question.
- “How can I increase my earnings by $25,000 this year?”
- “What is the best way to find the man of my dreams?”
- “How can I go back to school and still earn a living?”
- Let go of perfectionism. The pursuit of perfectionism leads to exhaustion and stress. Your anxiety about making mistakes can interfere with putting your best foot forward and pushing luck away.
- Be generous. Generosity will find its way back to you. When you’re willing to do things for others, others are more willing to do things for you. You never know how or when your generosity will be returned, so be kind to everyone you meet.
Lucky people create an environment for luck to occur. A positive attitude, a willingness to make mistakes, and high expectations provide the best chance for good luck to happen. Think about the people you know that are very lucky and those that are very unlucky. Compare how they behave and view life. Can you identify the differences?
Which way would you rather live?
Is Perfectionism Blocking Your Money Luck?
Discover the 5 signs perfectionism so you can change them and put luck on your side.