Have we met yet?
Several years ago, I did something that dramatically transformed my life. Yet it seemed like the most illogical, counterintuitive thing to do given our situation.
We were struggling financially. Nothing new. Financial struggles and money chaos were a way of life. I believed generating more income was the solution.
Hi I’m Ann Rusnak, author of the forthcoming book, The Journey to ME, and creator of the Unstoppable Success System..
Here we are, not making ends meet, and I’m going to close my time management business, Thinking Outside the Clock. What was I thinking? This meant less income and possibly filing bankruptcy. I was frustrated, depressed with the lack of results. So I shut the doors, so to speak.
Instead of bankruptcy, 18 months later, we paid off our home, wiped out all outstanding bills, got out of debt, created an emergency fund, rebuilt our investments, put a new roof on the house… plus so much more… including the idea for my book and new business.
I bet you wondering how I did it… It was because I came to the realization…
Money Issues Rarely Have Anything to Do With Money
So much chaos and turmoil existed when it came to money. I tried everything to increase my income and get rid of the money craziness.
It didn’t matter how much I made, how much income came in… I struggled constantly to pay the bills. Even when I reached a 6 figure income, I thought all our money problems would disappear.
They didn’t disappear! More importantly… there was no reason for those money problems to stay around. Yes a 6 figure income should eliminate our money problems.
I read books, went into therapy, tried affirmations, went through money management classes, spent a small fortune on business and marketing, courses, listen to audios, prayed for miracles and even made bargains with God. Nothing changed.
Reaching a 6 figure income didn’t change the situation and release our money problems. There was plenty coming in to cover everything. Yet somehow we couldn’t make ends meet and kept falling further behind.
A light bulb moment hit… and a thought grabbed hold of my mind. I came to realize making more money didn’t solve the problem. The results would always be the same, whether I made 5, 6 or even 7 figures, we would struggle
That’s when I knew that my money issues went deeper and needed to do something different.
I knew there was no reason for me to continue investing time and money on marketing to grow my "Thinking Outside the Clock" business.
In fact: Over several years in my "Thinking Outside the Clock" business, I spent:
Over $10,000 for 4 years of intensive therapy
Thousands on personal development books and seminars
Thousands on financial books and programs
Over $17,000 on marketing and business programs and seminars
Over $20,000 on various coaches and trainers…
I just didn’t spend money, I also did the steps, the actions and work hard.
No matter what I did… No matter how much I earned or how much income I generated… even a 6 figure income… Money problems continue to remain. In fact, my financial goals eluded me year after year.
I reached a point of desperation and depression. I felt doomed to a life of financial chaos and turmoil.
I took a deep breathe, and let go of controlling how thing would work out.
Calling my best friend, I told her about my decision to close the business. I said "I don’t have any idea how we’re going to make it. I can’t deal with it. It’s in God’s hands. It’s His problem not mine."
The next words out of her mouth nearly knocked me over.
"Oh Ann, that’s wonderful. You’ve really detached."
Detach? What did she mean? I always detached. I read the books on letting go and letting the Universe take over. But something was different this time. I felt the differences and said to myself "so this is what detachment feels like."
This time letting go came from my heart. When I reflected back, I could see I "truly" never detached. Intellectually, I detached but kept saying to myself, okay I detached, where is my stuff?
A sense of hope that all would be well came over me.
Hope wasn’t going to be enough but it was a start.
From Dysfunctional Money Relationship to Oh La La
Yep, I had a very dysfunctional relationship with money… telling money I wanted it to stay and did everything to push it away. Why not. I grew up in in a dysfunctional home.
I grew up with a lot of extreme emotional and physical abuse, especially around money. I received messages that there was something wrong with me and even being born a girl was wrong. Like I could do something about that. That my dreams were wrong, pursuing of a better life was wrong
My dreams of pursuing and living a better life went against my parent’s ideals and values especially concerning money. In fact I was told I those dreams and goals came from the devil and I was going to hell for having them.
Because of those limiting belief messages, I often sabotage my goals, especially financial ones, whenever I got close to achieving them. I felt worthless and didn’t think I deserved my dreams.
I did seek professional help in recovering my core identity and breaking the cycle of abuse for my daughters and changing the legacy for future generation.
The money stuff was buried so deep and my inner mind was doing everything it could to "protect" me from hell. There obviously was more healing.
Since I turned the situation over to God I said "Okay God, What do I do here?"
He brought the right people, mentors, resources and tools needed to shift my mindset and relationship with money… it became an Oh La La affair. Money started staying in my life. Now I wanted to make sure it stays that way.
Financial Healing Through Trust and Love
I made the decision to take responsibility for my future. I couldn’t hide from the money messes. I realized if I could break the abuse cycle for my family… I can break this cycle too. I asked for forgiveness from my husband, our creditors but more importantly from myself.
This allowed the real healing to begin.
Gratitude became a way of life and as I healed my relationship with money, I was really healing my relationship with myself. What a wonder gift given to me. I was so grateful to be given the time to work on my mindset… To become very comfortable with the money part of me. No guilt. No apologies.
It took courage to deal with the money ugliness and it would take lots of courage to and love myself unconditionally, faults and all.
I kept trusting and stepping out in faith. So uncharacteristic for a major control freak.
Because of all the financial blessings, I would begin the journey of owning my real self. The person created in God’s image. Accepting my self-worth just because I exist makes me worthy. A child of God.
I could take the time to finish healing my inner self. Own my new money beliefs until they become a part of me. Owning the person I’m meant to be, embracing my true self… my true ME. My Magical Essence.
When my true self, my purpose was denied, I felt miserable and unfulfilled. I also experienced money chaos by pushing money away. When I came to peace and accepted my true self, my Magical Essence, the money finally began to stay in my life.
Are You Ready to Step into Your Magical Essence™
The business world won’t tell you how important mindset is to the success of your business. A business need money to stay alive.
Truth is your mindset wins over strategy every time… if your mindset isn’t aligned with your business and marketing strategies… well what can I say, this is why you get stuck and see little results for your effort…
I’m on a mission to help other women entrepreneurs avoid the frustration they feel when their result and income don’t match the effort and investment they make.That is why I created the Unstoppable Success System.
Are you ready to:
- Get clear about what will help you lead a more fulfilling life?
- Get the confidence you need to take that next step you so desperately want to take?
- Live a prosperous and abundant life using your talents to help people?
Discover how you can go from Stuck to Unstoppable with a complimentary "no-strings attached" 20 minute "Stuck to Unstoppable Breakthrough" session. Be prepared to throw away those limiting beliefs, gain more confidence and tap into your personal potential.
I look forward to meeting you.
Stay Unstoppable Success,
What Others Are Saying

"I suffered with self-confidence issues and constantly worried how I could actually have a life and a business. "I no longer wait to move forward since I’m not riddled with doubts and fears. I got the support I needed and a new understanding about how visualization is critical to success. Now, I act with greater courage and confidence and I’m thrilled with how Ann helped me breakthrough. Don’t wait, just start!"
Susanna Huse, http://susannahuse.co.uk, Portsmouth England, United Kingdom

"Ann transformed her journey into an extensive arsenal of strategies to help me overcome the inner issues holding me back from experiencing who I’m destined to become. She’s caring, thoughtful, and insightful and helps you get the job done in empowering, rewarding ways. I place more value on who I am and what I offer others. She has a way of taking you deeper into yourself without it being stressful or even really knowing you’re going there."
Debi Goldben, Founder, Westwind Massage and Wellness, Ocala, Florida