Yesterday I woke up feeling lost, doubtful and anxious. It’s important to always acknowledge your feelings, both positive and negative. My usual methods of relieving these feelings after acknowledging them didn’t work. These inner stirrings just wouldn’t calm down.
I knew I could trust and count on my dear friend, Stephanie Rainbow Bell –
Stephanie played a big role these past few years in helping me reach an inner peace and acceptance of my true self.
I Skyped her and shared my experience and asked if she could offer any suggestions. (Thank goodness for Skype ™)
She replied with the words:"allow them [the feelings] (which I did). Comfort them like you would a small child and love them/you. "
She went on to say "Understand that you are making/taking massive actions and parts of you are concerned about where that will leave them."
I also shared that I felt like crying and is it okay. To which Steph responded,"YES, ABSOLUTELLY!"
She added "let ‘everyone’ know that it will all be ok. That they won’t be abandoned because you [my Divine Self] are here now and so is the Universe supporting everyone. That this may be new territory, you will make it SAFE territory."
The comfort thing never occurred to me. The safe reference made total sense.
What I didn’t share with Stephanie in the beginning was I’ve been doing some self hypnosis to make big changes to my subconscious… never thought about adding "it will be safe" to the self-hypnosis statements.
Given my background and abuse issues, feeling safe is very important to me. It wasn’t something I experienced until my late 30’s.
Stephanie replied "All that sub conscious stuff means you are ‘messing’ with the status quo of what they are ‘used to’…so they will perceive ‘messing with’ as a THREAT."
Your subconscious is where your belief system resides. Your subconscious protects your current belief system. If your current belief system/beliefs are holding you back or no longer serve you for your good, you need to change them.
Only one problem, your subconscious will do everything it can to protect your current beliefs.
This is often why lasting changes don’t take hold and why we often step back into self sabotaging behavior and or self destructive patterns.
3 Ways to Change Your Belief System in Your Subconscious
1. Effective Affirmations. Affirmations work to change your subconscious mind by using positive, personal, present tense statements to override the embedded negative thinking. By repeating these positive thoughts, you can create new pathways in your subconscious.
It takes a lot of repetition for the affirmations to breakthrough. Your subconscious installed a "gatekeeper" to keep things out. Every once and awhile the gatekeeper will get distracted and an affirmation will slip through. Many repetitions are need to create a new pathway in your brain for your new belief.
2. Visualization. Your subconscious can’t tell the difference from reality and imagination. Visualization is the act of creating detailed mental pictures that depict a desired outcome so you can see success for yourself. These images stimulate the subconscious into accepting them as reality, which then directs behavior accordingly. Top athletes around the world use this technique during game-time.
Visualization will get through the gatekeeper more often than affirmations alone. The combination of visualization and affirmations is very effective.
3. Self Hypnosis. Self Hypnosis works by easing you into a state of extreme relaxation. Once you’re in this state, the gatekeeper releases its grip, and the subconscious mind is easier to access.
While under hypnosis, it’s much easier to reprogram the subconscious into accepting new thoughts as reality.
Feel Safe And Calm While Reprogramming Your Subconscious
Stephanie went on to say "that the subconscious can’t help but feel change is a threat. Creating these feeling is its way to keep you safe — and the easiest way to do that is to keep you standing still."
"And when you refuse to stand still, it has to figure out what else it can do to protect you.
When you do all that sub conscious and conscious shifting, there’s no SOLID GROUND anymore. Everyone feels like there’s an earthquake all the time."
Stephanie continued with "Just do some general EVERYTHING IS OK when you are doing so much shifting.
You have to allow PAUSES as in days/weeks/months for INTEGRATION", she concluded.
I just started using Dr. Robert Anthony’s Deliberate Creation Self-Hypnosis program. Even he mentions allowing time for integrations as well.
I wrote out a big bodacious statement following his instructions. During my self hypnosis session, I give my subconscious my intention statement as directed. Also I included instructions that since it knows the best way to accomplish it, show me the best way to get started doing this and I accept this or something better.
Yesterday evening , I went into my "safe" room or what I call my hubby calls the "zen" room and followed the advice of my dear friend.
I did a self hypnosis session reassuring "everyone" that they are safe and protected. Using visualization, I allowed them to experience the outcome of that big bodacious statement.
I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, energized, calm and my inner peace restored.
Self-Hypnosis is a simple but powerful tool that allows you to bypass the Gatekeeper and rewrite our Subconscious programming. Learn more and get Dr. Anthony’s FREE Audio Now!
You can learn more about Stephanie’s awesome coaching at
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Ann . . . you know that nothing makes me happier than to help someone feel better — so I am honored to have been able to assist you and I thank you for allowing me the privilege of doing so!
It’s so easy to forget that we are complex, we humans! So many moving parts — the obvious ones and the less than obvious ones — like the inner child, the inner critic, and the inner good parent!
You’ve done a great job of giving some key tips for dealing with those unseen parts aka the subconscious! 🙂
Rainbow Blessings!
thanks so much Stephanie for all your help. You deserved the credit. So glad I could write in my gratitude spot yesterday “I am grateful for Stephanie’s friendship”