We all have habits and some of these habits are bad ones, kicking a bad habit and turning it into a more positive one is hard but is well worth the effort if you put your mind to succeeding. Our habits can determine our life to an extent and affect the way we feel and think, bad habits affect our self-esteem and lead to negativity while good habits lead to a feeling of achievement, accomplishment and positive thinking. So what is the key to successfully breaking our bad habits and replacing them with ones that are more positive? Listed below are some helpful techniques that you can put to use to change your bad habits into more positive ones.
Make a list
Make a list of all the reasons why you want to stop your habit, really give it some thought and list as many reasons as possible for giving up. For example if smoking is your habit and you wish to give up then you could put down things like its costs me x amount of money every year, it makes my clothes, hair and breath smell, it makes the whole house smell. By listing as many reasons as you can as to why you want to give up it will allow you to see in black and white what it is that you don’t like about your habit and why you should give it up.
Analyze yourself
Ask yourself what it is that you are getting out of your habit, are you really getting what you want from it? Do you really enjoy it? Or is the habit exactly that, just a habit that you have done for so long that you would feel uncomfortable without doing it?
List positive things you could swap your habit for
Stop and think what you could do to replace your habit that would be more positive, for example you could take up a hobby, workout, read, go for a walk, do chores around the home or take up an adult education class. All of these can help you to take your mind off and break your habit.
Visualize how you would feel and the changes there would be if you broke your habit, for example if you are a smoker and wish to quit then picture the differences it would make if you did quit and replaced smoking with say working out. Picture yourself being able to breathe easier, your taste buds improving, your clothes, hair and home smelling fresher and cleaner and what you could buy from the money you saved.
Take one day at a time
Always take one day at a time when trying to break a habit, never look into the future and start to think how will I cope in certain situations. Choose a day to give up your habit and stick with it no matter what comes up, keeping a journal can also help you to deal with kicking your habits and is helpful to get your thoughts and feelings out at the most frustrating times.
Hello again Ann, this is luis arias blanco, i like to apologize for not keeping in touch, am a bussy yes of course, but that’s not the reason not to be in touch, is just that i am trying hard to keep up a positive thinking and nothing works, simple as that, i do believe in the power of mind, but every time i see some light something goes wrong and i just can’t find a workaround to this lack of prosperity, that’s what is really going into my mind, is just me, i just don’t know what’s wrong with me, However, i do love to hear from you and want to thank you for being such a great inspiration and support.
Best regards!!! 😛
First there is nothing wrong with you. How you think, love and feel about yourself is often reflected in your finances. If you think something is wrong with you, guess what… If you don’t have the Treasure Chest of Success, grab it and follow the 5 simple steps. This is a free program
Second you can’t be positive 100% of the time. It’s not natural. God gives a arrange of emotions and it’s okay to honor them. A couple of weeks ago wasn’t exactly “positive” for me. I had lunch with a friend and she asked how I was doing, I said “I’m doing alright.” At that point, I was doing alright. Last week I’m on top of the world. Be kind to yourself and don’t expect perfection. (I’m a recovering perfection… being human is much easier)
Third, you get what you focus your thoughts on… if you’re focusing on lack, you get more lack. Your subconscious defends your current beliefs and the more you fight against them, the harder your subconscious will hold on to them. It’s protecting you whether you want it to or not. Acknowledge the beliefs. Until you acknowledge and own them, it’s hard to get your subconscious to lower the defenses and allow new beliefs to take hold.
There was also only so much I do on my own when it came to changing my money belief system. I reached a point where nothing was really changing and needed some help. We were experiencing so many major financial situation. I noticed a pattern, it didn’t matter what the income level, we struggled, even at 6 figures. I came to realization that it wasn’t the income it was something deeper. I opted not to pay a bill that was already late and made a decision to invest in myself instead. (I’m not advocating not paying bills) I ordered a couple of Morgana’s Finciancial programs. For me, it was the best investment I made because it totally turned our fiances around.
I hope that helps you.