You come into this world to experience security, peace of mind, love, and overall joyfulness. This means a life filled with physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial abundance. You may wonder to yourself if you’re meant for this, why does it elude you?
Perhaps our hectic lives confuse or even our beliefs can keep us from achieving a life of abundance. But the power of our thoughts can transform our lives for the better – if we know how to use it.
The Goodness of Wealth!
When you understand everyone defines wealth differently, you can build the wealthy life you desire. You can let go of society’s expectations and definitions.
What does wealth mean to you in terms of physical abundance? Think about your health, activities, food you eat, etc. Your emotional wealth can include positive relationships, a safe home, nurturing your mind, time for yourself, etc. Your spiritual wealth reflects your faith, tithing, and relationship to our creator. Define your financial abundance, can include money you earn, your savings, retirement, etc.
Doing the above exercise will help you uncover beliefs blocking your abundance
Since money plays a big role in our lives, you’ll more likely uncover a cache of beliefs around it in your subconscious mind.
Sometimes we say we don’t care about material things and, therefore, we don’t need them. This is a red flag around a money belief.
Remember wealth does not necessarily mean material wealth. Think about what other things do say you don’t care about when deep in your heart you do? Find the red flags around your physical, spiritual and emotional abundance.
Wealth Goes Beyond Money
Living an abundant, wealthy life simply means enjoying happiness and feeling good in all aspects of your life most of the time. Obviously, you can’t stay happy every minute of every day, life will happen. Reflecting often and giving thanks for all you have will make it easier when times get tough.
How to Build Wealth
Your mindset determines whether you will build the wealth you want and deserve. If you don’t own your self-worth, you won’t think you deserve it and will end up sabotaging your efforts. You must believe what you desire can be attained, you already possess the power with in to attain it, and you will receive it in your lifetime.
Your mindset determines whether you will build the wealth you want and deserve.When you embrace your self-worth, you will automatically love your true ME. You need to love yourself first if you want to receive love from others. If you don’t receive love from others, you won’t lead the life you desire.
Remember, you came into this world to experience security, peace of mind, love, and overall joyfulness. By loving yourself first, your world around you will change so you can live an abundant, wealthy, fulfilling life.
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