Compliments are a simple way to help each other feel better by acknowledging our accomplishments and positive qualities. If receiving praise sometimes make you uncomfortable, think about the benefits of being appreciated and learn to respond graciously.
Accepting complements is part of the Universal Laws of how money works. There are several laws governing prosperity, one of them being the law of tenfold.
Giving freely activates the Law of Tenfold Return… for every good you give, you receive a minimum tenfold return. Whatever you want more of… give it away.
You must be willing to receive. Many of us fall short on this area. Think about compliments. How gracious do you receive compliments? Make sure you’re willing to accept.
Three Ways Activate the Law of Tenfold Using Compliments
- Provide validation. In the crush of daily pressures, it’s common for people to feel unnoticed. A word of praise and recognition validates our efforts. It shows that we matter and that our efforts make a difference. Become more observant and practice with letting others know what you like about them. You’ll instantly feel happier and probably get more kudos yourself soon.
- Get healthy feedback. Make sure it’s genuine feedback and not criticism. Input from others provides important data for letting us know if we’re headed in the right direction. If your boss loved your last status report, you know what to do with your next one. If your church newsletter features you as volunteer of the month, you know you’re spending your time in ways that matter to them.
- Compliments improve our lives. Kind words and respect make us mindful of how much we need each other. Take time to share a little applause.
Top 5 Suggestions for Graciously Receiving Compliments
- Express gratitude. A compliment is a gift when you refuse a gift, you stop the other person from receiving their tenfold. Whatever the wording, you want to say thank you when someone pays you a compliment. You may keep it as simple as that or refer to your own gratification in making a contribution.
- Embrace your Magical Essence.Forget about minimizing your abilities. It can make you feel less confident and it might make the other person feel like you fail to value their opinion.
- Keep it brief. If you’re already in the habit of deflecting compliments, the safest course of action is to keep your responses concise. Just say thank you and leave it at that. Long speeches could get you off track. Saying Thank You is enough to keep the Law of Tenfold active for the person who paid you the compliment.
- Pay it forward with Compliments. If a compliment leaves you glowing, reach out to others to pass it along. Tell your kids they did a good job cleaning their room or tell a local retailer you like their new store window. You may never know how your words changed a person’s world for the better.
- Watch your body language. Ensure your face matches your words. Smile and maintain eye contact when accepting praise. Keep your body language open and inviting. Lower your shoulders and uncross your arms.
Suggestions on Receiving and Giving Compliments in an overly Political Correct World
Recognize gender differences. Everyone can experience discomfort with compliments, but it’s usually more pervasive with women. Learn to distinguish between healthy humility and putting yourself down.
Focus on inner beauty. Even when you mean well, some people may be sensitive about their physical appearance or other issues. In some environments like the workplace, it’s usually safer to address how they perform rather than how they look.
Share the credit. When teamwork is involved, include your colleagues in the tribute. Point out the specific contributions that others made to bringing about any success.
Know the protocol for toasts. When someone raises a glass to you, it’s proper to remain attentive and smile while the rest of the group drinks. You get to drink when you follow up by offering a return toast.
Stay up to date with social media. These days, people may be saying good things about you in the digital world too. Keep up with Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. Offer prompt and heartfelt thanks the same as you would at home or in the office.
Let genuine compliments lift your spirits and brighten your day. Giving and receiving praise helps to guide you towards your goals and strengthens your relationships along the way. When someone says something nice, thank them sincerely and remember you deserve it.
The Universal Law of Tenfold always works. You may not always receive from the source you gave to; your tenfold return most likely will come from someone else.
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