When you start your business, following the time and effort method eventually pays off. You acquire new clients with all your marketing and cash starts rolling in.
Yeah, you just showed all those naysayers they didn’t know what they were talking about. You experience lots of fun and excitement watching your business grow.
Your dreams of freedom, flexibility and controlling your destiny puts a smile on your face.
Something starts happening to your business, you see less and less results for your time and effort. It feels like you hit an invisible barrier.
BAM! You did!
Sooner or later every successful business reaches this point where everything they did when they started their business no longer works to grow it.
The Invisible Barrier Holding You Back
The more successful your business, the more work and time challenges it creates.
This is called the Multiplicity of Stuff Syndrome.
Each new client creates more work, more details, more paperwork, and many more task.
You double down on the old “Time and Effort” strategies that worked in the past. You keep putting in more and more hours and regardless of what you do, work keeps piling up and your “To Do” list grows longer and longer.
Traditional time management works against the entrepreneur and keeps you in the Multiplicity of Stuff Syndrome. It was created to control the employee and manage productivity for the company. It wasn’t created for the business owner.
In the Grips of the Multiplicity of Stuff Syndrome
Your simple, fun business suddenly evolves into complex time draining entity.
You find yourself focusing on the day-to-day mundane activities of your business causing your core money making activities to begin to suffer.
Tension can build between your business obligations and family time… your personal life starts to suffer.
Your energy level goes down, you become mentally and physically drained and exhausted.
You can’t grow your business any further using the same employee time mentality.
Multiplicity of Stuff Syndrome occurs naturally in every successful business. It’s a sign your business is ready to leap to the next level. You’re leaving the start-up phase and entering the growth phase. So, Congratulations!
It’s time to change the way you run your business and your mindset about time. Time to start working smarter, not harder.

Stay Unstopulous,