You decide to make some meaning changes in your life… perhaps going after a life long goal, replace a negative habit etc.
And for a moment you feel very excited and exhilarated at the prospect of this positive change.
Something happens… doubt and fear show up.
You start to set a goal and soon your mind will start to broadcast:
"I can’t do it"
"I’m wasting my time"
"I can’t change"
…or any other of your habitual thoughts.
First this is perfectly natural. Second, notice I put the word habitual in bold.
Your subconscious mind is an expert at coming up with reasons for not doing the things we really want to do. It’s doing it’s job in keeping you safe. Fear does have its function in protecting you.
The problem arises when there is no real threat to your life. Your programmed belief system feels it still needs to protect you.
Change involves risk. Change will usually give rise to uncomfortable feelings.
Change requires you to face your fears and step out of your comfort zone – both of which point to one thing… Your subconscious in now alerted to protect you.
So it begins to send out broadcasts. If you give these habitual thoughts attention, you’re in trouble. Think back on your own experiences. How often had you been fearful of something that never came to pass?
If you want to develop a life changing mindset, you have to stand up and face your fears.
I’ll share a few strategies from the upcoming Discover Your Inner Treasure: The Secret to Living Your Dreams teleseminar series. These strategies will help you to eliminate yours fears and live the kind of life you deserve.
Whenever a fear presents itself, you can either say yes or no to it.
If you say yes to your fears, your life stagnates and shrinks.
If you say no to your fears, your life gets bigger and better.
By reprogramming your subconscious to deactivate painful and unpleasant thoughts, they will lose their ability to frighten, disturb, worry, or stress you.
Your fears will have much less influence over your behavior.
Make room in your mind for pleasant feelings and sensations by replacing negative thoughts. Much better than just trying to ignore or push negative thoughts from your mind.
Accept the "out of your comfort zone" feeling. Make room for the discomfort your fears causes. Just make it a part of your life. Tolerance or "putting
up with it," will cause the fear to take over.
This refers to staying in the present moment. This is the only point where you can exercise your full power. That’s the connection to your Magical Essence. When you align with yourself with your true ME, the creative forces of the universe come together to support you.
When I finally grasp this connection of present moment, this is when my life turned to awesome.
I learned nothing happens in the past… it happens in the Now – present moment.
Nothing will ever happen in the future – it happens in the Now – present moment.
When you think about the past, you do it in the Now. When you think about the future, you do it now.
You deal with every situation in the now. You’ll want to connect fully with whatever is happening in the here and now.
Staying in the present moment really diminish fears affect.
Committed Action
The only way to end your fears is to take action, but not just any action… effective and committed action. Put all of your focus and attention on whatever you’re doing.
Embrace mistakes. Mistakes are cool. Okay maybe not while you’re making them.
Know that making mistakes is a fundamental part of being human. You learn by making mistakes and you’re made stronger with each obstacle you overcome.
When you stumble, you learned what not to do and how you can do it differently. This is how you grow wiser!
Making mistakes is an essential part of learning to beat your fears.
To make any lasting change in your life, you have to make the commitment to action.
Following these strategies, eventually your fears will become a lot easier to live with because they don’t get amplified.
Are really ready to quit struggling and want to live the life your deserve?
I invite you to join me and a very small group of action takers on March 18th for the Discover Your Inner Treasure: The Secret to Living Your Dreams Teleseminar series