How to Visualize the Things You Want
How can you visualize the goals you want to happen? Visualization can move you deeper into your own inner power. The place where you see greater clarity to create your desired life.
You’ll find visualization one of the most powerful tools for attracting what you want. Yet few people know how to properly visualize effectively. With the right technique you can begin to see outstanding results in successfully attracting what you want, if you fully apply what you learn.
Understand you visualize all the time. You may not be aware of it but you constantly conjure up images in your mind. When you speak on the telephone to someone, your mind tries to see what they tell you. You also visualize when you are deep in thought.
When you worry about paying your debt or worry if you’ll experience the life you want, visualization still occurs. Visualizing while attaching the emotions of worry, doubt, fear and anxiety, is where people go terribly wrong.
The hard part of using the creative force of visualization for a positive result happens while experiencing the opposite of what you want. Often your belief system about yourself doesn’t align with your desired money income.
Understand The Most Effective Way To Visualize.
Can you remember the last you found yourself in deep thought and what it felt like? A real deep thought where you found yourself lost inside yourself? Totally unaware of anyone or anything around you.
The visualizations you experienced in those moments probably felt very real. The real power of visualization resides in those moments.
When people ask how do I visualize the things I want, I tell them the same way you visualize the things that you don’t want. When you see yourself feeling anxious and fearful you lock yourself away in your inner mind with those images. You lose sight of other possibilities. Also if it is something that happened to you, then you recreate the incident in full details with all your emotions all over again.
Visualization Away Your Money Belief Hang Ups
Believe me, I know it’s hard to visualize happy thoughts when you can’t pay the bills. I reached a point where our money situation wouldn’t approve no matter what I did or what the income level. I hate to admit this, but I contemplated suicide again when I felt I was doomed with a life of eternal money problems.
I met somebody on Facebook who made me aware of how my relationship around money blocked my financial goals. She shared how using very powerful and emotional visualization techniques could turn around all money hang ups and non-serving beliefs.
Seeing all those money hurts, negative money messages, and limiting money beliefs visually as a monster allowed me to visualize his destruction. This technique worked immediately. Much quicker than decades of therapy, attending classes, reading books, coaching, etc. to overcome my money problem.
My relationship with money transformed and two years later, we’re one bill short of being debt-free, paid off our home… and that was just the beginning. (I share more details in my Money Story)
Visualization with emotions is the fastest way to replace negative and limiting beliefs or create them.Emotion With Your Visualization Makes Them Effective.
Immerse yourself with full positive emotions when you visualize the things you want. Many thoughts may come to distract you, acknowledge them and just redirect your mind to what you want. Your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between real and unreal. Eventually, it will reprogram itself to focus on your wants.
If you experience difficulty, try different tools and techniques to greatly empower your ability to visualize. Don’t be hard on yourself. It took me a while to master what works best for me.
Visualization with emotions is the fastest way to replace negative and limiting beliefs or create them. The visualization of my money monster represented all my negative messages from my parents. But first I needed to identify those messages and beliefs.
Stay Unstoppable,
The beliefs you hold about yourself can keep you stuck and prevent you from achieving what you desire. Begin by identifying and changing your limiting beliefs. New beliefs are easy to install using the FREE “7 Steps to Expelling Your Limiting Belief Cheat Sheet.”.
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