Do affirmations really work? Maybe you just think they are useless and never tried them. Perhaps you thought about trying them but never heard of anybody seeing results or you tried them but they didn’t deliver on their promise. Maybe you fall into the fourth category; You tried them and the results were so sporadic and rare that you felt they weren’t worth the time doing.
Personally, I fell into the fourth category. Since some affirmations worked occasionally, I wondered what was different on those occasions for them to produce the desired results.
So I did some research. My ineffective affirmations resulted from leaving out critical pieces of information. The problem is creating affirmation around the way your mind works.
During this research, I discovered seven truths around how the mind works using affirmations. When generating an affirmation around these seven truths, you’ll experience the desired outcome.
Interestingly, it didn’t matter if the affirmation was positive or negative.
Daily affirmations are one of the most effective and easiest actions you can take for your subconscious to release your inner success. Let’s look at these seven truths and how you can utilize to create powerful effective affirmations.
Truth #1 – Your subconscious mind is more powerful than your conscious mind.
Scientific research shows that the subconscious mind is not only way faster, it is over a million times more powerful than the conscious mind.
Your subconscious mind works for your benefit 24 hours a day, seven days a week—literally 100% of the time. Read more about how your subconscious mind works.
Truth #2 – Subconsciously we only believe what the conscious mind accepts as real.
This is the barrier that stops affirmations from working. Affirmations won’t work when an inner conflict arises between the conscious and subconscious mind.
Truth #3 – Your conscious mind chooses what it believes to be true and your subconscious mind accepts without question whatever the conscious mind dictates.
To get to the subconscious level for your affirmations to work, they need to be believable. Unfortunately, the conscious mind doesn’t believe the affirmation, it won’t accept it as real.
Basically you’re lying to yourself, not intentionally, your conscious mind recognizes your not stating the truth. Until your conscious mind accepts the affirmation as truth, it will not become part of the subconscious mind.
I want you to say the following affirmation out loud:
"I earn $500,00"
You made this your goal. You "truly" want this to happen. When you said it out loud what happened?
Did you feel some resistance to the statement? Did it feel truthful? Did you start arguing with yourself about "how" you would accomplish this? Did you hear your self-talk echo back these words "Who are you kidding?"
You won’t achieve the result of your affirmation while an inner conflict exists between the conscious and subconscious mind. You’ll need to neutralize the conflicting self talk.
The best way I learned to counter this resistance is to use the word "choose" in the affirmation.
Let’s try this again expect, you’ll use the word choose in the affirmation statement. Yeah… you need to say it out loud.
"I choose to earn $500,00"
Did you notice a difference between these statements when you say them to yourself? Did it feel more convincing?
By including "I choose" in your affirmation, you’re using a very effective and successful strategy to offers no resistance for acceptability.
Tomorrow I’ll share the rest of the truths to make your affirmations more powerful and fast acting.
In the meantime, pick three of your affirmations or create three using the "I choose" strategy.
To Your Unstoppable Success,
You can realize your dreams. All you need to do is discover your true inner ME™… Your Magical Essence™ that makes you unique. Your innerME is meant to shine, meant to sparkle and achieve great things. Begin your journey of discovering and unlocking your life’s passion with a complimentary Mindset Makeover “ChatwithAnn” session
Love it! I could feel the difference
Yes Danielle
I was amazed at the difference adding the word “choose” made… you can really feel the difference