Money and abundance come to me effortlessly.
Money and abundance are naturally a part of my life. I allow them to flow to me effortlessly. I expect abundance and attract it to me.
I focus on abundance and receive abundance.
Focusing on lack only creates more lack.
I am a grateful person and practice gratitude daily. When I feel gratitude, I attract abundance.
Prosperity is a way of life for me. My earnings increase each year. I enjoy more income today than I have ever enjoyed in the past. I am free from financial concerns and worries.
Prosperity is a way of life for meThe universe provides whatever I need. It might be money, friendship, love, or humor. Whatever I require is provided when I need it. My life is full of love, happiness, and all the material things I require each day.
I expect good things to happen and I am rarely surprised. Abundance is within me and around me. I enjoy the good things that come into my life.
I let go of all resistance to receiving money and abundance. These things come to me naturally when I am free of resistance.
Today, I permit the flow of life to bring good things to me. I am open to receiving abundance into my life. I allow the process to be effortless and enjoyable.
Anchor ME Reflection Questions:
- How much easier would my life be if I allowed it to be easier?
- Do I believe I deserve abundance in my life? How does my belief affect the level of abundance I experience?
- How can I attract more of what I want and need into my life?

Stay Unstopulous,