Money flows easily into my life.
I allow myself to receive financial blessings into my life. I am happy and grateful that money flows to me in greater quantities each day.
I receive income from many different sources. My income sources are stable and my income is growing.
I am one with the infinite resources of the universe. It is my right to be wealthy and successful.
Money flows to me freely and endlessly. My wealth is growing by the day. I am aware of my true worth and deserve all the abundance that I am willing to receive.
My past financial challenges are learning experiences. I apply those lessons learned in my life to further my financial expertise. My past errors are boosting my current and future financial results.
When I experience financial challenges, I know I am resisting the abundance that is my birthright. I only need to open my heart and eyes to the vast financial opportunities around me.
My savings are growing each day. I make saving a priority in my life and my growing bank accounts are proof of that.
I work hard to earn the money that I receive, but I know how to enjoy it, too.
Today, I am allowing greater abundance into my life. Money is flowing quickly and easily to me. I am grateful for the financial resources I am acquiring.

Anchor ME Reflection Questions:
- In what ways do I resist financial abundance?
- In what ways do I spend money unwisely?
- What would I do if I were given one million dollars?
Stay Unstopulous,