Yes and No. Physical abuse and Emotional abuse are interlinked. Non physical and physical abuse can lead to psychological trauma that can have a lasting effect on an individual. However this being that physical abuse can leave an actually physical mark or material proof that it has happened. Support for physical abuse is more readily… [Continue Reading]
Emotional Abuse And The Damaging Effects
"Sticks and stones my break my bones but names will never hurt me." This childhood phrase infuriates me to no end. I personally feel it diminishes the effects of emotional abuse. Society often doesn’t recognized it as a genuine form of abuse. People see the effects of physical abuse… they see the scars. The scars from… [Continue Reading]
Believe In Your Inner Gifts
You’re the best gift YOU can give the world. I believe we all have inner gifts that reveal God and give life to others when they are shared. All of us came to share our soul, and to experience the souls of others. We each possess gifts to offer; ways of being, skills, talents, personality… [Continue Reading]
Your Personal Declaration of Empowerment
Did you watch the video about declaring your independence from limiting beliefs? If not, go check it now. You have the capacity to be extraordinary, to live your passion, to realize your full potential. What determines the life you experience is how you see, feel and think about yourself. What holds you back are limiting… [Continue Reading]
7 Truths to Creating Effective Affirmations That Work – Part Three
Today we’ll wrap up creating effective positive affirmations using an Affirmation Insurance Policy. Your affirmation insurance policy consist of three sections. Section One of Your Affirmation Policy: How do you know what you’re affirming is in your best interest? Affirmations are powerful and will bring whatever you focus in your life when using repetition and… [Continue Reading]